One aims of AM-PLUS AG founded in 2007 is to establish affiliated companies in the EU countries. The area of investments are firstly the purchase and financing of Information Technology and Human Resources focused companies.
Consequently AM-PLUS AG acquired majority in shares in the Hungarian Select IT Informatics and Economic Consulting Ltd.
Following, the development and merger of Select IT was in focus, Swicon Zrt. came into being in 2008. In the formed company AM-PLUS AG owned only a smaller part of shares but later in 2008 it purchased 50% of the new enterprise.
In 2008 Vedior BV got in touch with Select Appointments Ltd., the groups personal consultant affiliated company. The task was to support the realization of Select appointments Ltd. that successfully effected.
At the and of 2011. Swicon Zrt. got minority of ownership indirectly in AppZee Global Media Inc (USA) and in its subsidiary company AppZee Media Hungary Ltd. One of the minority owner of these companies were Swicon Zrt.
The potential investments surveys has not stopped, in 2010 Germany and the Far East was screened for inherent/virtual opportunities in the upcoming Asian markets.
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In 2013 AM-PLUS AG purchased 50% of the Hungarian Tredis Consulting Ltd. Tredis deals with manpower mediation and labour force temporary lease. In the same time AM-PLUS AG sold its 50% interest in Swicon Zrt.
In 2013 the company started its preparation and investments towards the US market that is under continuous development. The Asian region as an investment opportunity was release, target companies became Cambodia and Hong-Kong.
The furher aim of year 2014 is to investigate and purchase potential companies and the investment oriented support of already owned organisations.
Summing up AM-PLUS AG concentrates to operate outside the Swiss polity, purchasing, operating, firstly in financing, and selling companies.
The formation of the company lies on secure financial base ensuring the course of business, continuous investments and profits. Along all these goals costs are low: marketing and market survey functions add up the operation expenses.
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